KSM Articles

Supreme Court Considers Whether FLSA Exemption Determination Was “Rigged”

2023-02-01T13:47:13-06:00By |Categories: Labor and Employment, Wage and Hour|Tags: |

In October, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in a case analyzing whether employers can claim overtime exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) for highly compensated workers who are not paid a weekly or annual salary. In [...]

Employers Should Watch for Supreme Court’s Clarification on Scope of Attorney-Client Privilege

2022-12-21T22:35:09-06:00By |Categories: Labor and Employment|

Last month, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case called In Re Grand Jury, which asks the justices to decide whether the attorney-client privilege should apply to protect communications that include both legal and non-legal advice. Because employers often [...]

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