An Arbitration Clause Wins Again

2022-10-29T01:48:37-06:00By |Categories: Contracts, Labor and Employment, Litigation, Sixth Circuit, Wage and Hour|Tags: , , |

In an earlier post, we analyzed the Supreme Court’s holding in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis, which held that employers may include in employment agreements arbitration provisions that require employees to arbitrate their disputes individually rather than through a collective [...]

Turning the Tables on Plaintiffs: Recovering Attorneys’ Fees as a Prevailing Defendant

2023-02-01T13:47:13-06:00By |Categories: Litigation, Municipal Law|Tags: , |

If someone files suit against me and I win, can I force the other side to reimburse my legal fees? Traditionally, the answer has been no – American courts follow the “American Rule,” under which each litigant generally pays his [...]

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